Oh My This Is a Family Friendly Tv Show Now Stand Still While I Murder You
Major (The Human being Child, Flowey, Sans, Papyrus, Undyne, Mettaton, Asgore Dreemurr)
Small-scale | Monsters | Spoilers (The Fallen Human)
"OHHH Aye!"
Click here to come across his EX grade. Lights! Camera! Action!
Click here to see his NEO course. GH... GUESS Y'all DON'T WANT TO JOIN MY FAN CLUB...?
"SO WHAT IF A FEW PEOPLE HAVE TO DIE? THAT'Due south Bear witness BUSINESS, Infant!"
A robot celebrity congenital by Doctor Alphys whose metal body renders him completely invulnerable to attack. She recently added sophisticated anti-human, pro-murder weaponry to him. Which should become well.
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- Acquired Situational Narcissism: In Mettaton'southward old house next to Napstablook'south, you can find his diaries, which shows that he was rather devoted to his friends in his old life, but so he met Alphys and almost forgot most his friends. Thankfully, he reaches out to them in the Golden Catastrophe, and assembles a quartet with Napstablook, Shyren, and perhaps Burgerpants.
- Actually Pretty Funny: During the "quiz" department that introduces Mettaton, at one point Mettaton will ask you who Alphys has a crush on. Answering either Undyne or Asgore will work, merely if you answer yourself, Mettaton will declare that while that answer is completely wrong (and Alphys volition take an incredulous wait on her face), Mettaton finds the arrogance of this answer to be so agreeable that he withal won't penalize you for it.
- Affably Evil: He'south still a lot more "entertainment robot" than "killer robot"; he treats yous like an honored invitee on his show, and he shows admittedly no malevolence towards monsters. Subverted; he doesn't hate humans in general either (he actually adores them), he but wants to kill you to finish a massive war.
- Agent Peacock: Especially in his EX form, which has the looks of a Bishōnen, a near-perpetually-flirtatious range of facial expressions, attacks implementing his pink stilettos and heart-shaped core, and the honor of being arguably the toughest pre-endgame boss. Even before information technology's introduced, he's vain, flamboyant, cross-dresses during the opera segment, and by all accounts has a fixation on the effectively things in life while as well demonstrating that he's clever, charming, and competent.
- A.I. Is a Crapshoot: The long and brusk of information technology is, the "killer robot" thing was an act fix to make Alphys look absurd, but then he decides to kill the protagonist anyway, to save the rest of the human being species (and go famous to a higher place ground in the process). Ultimately... it's a subversion, because his intelligence isn't really artificial.
- Ambiguously Bi: His similarities to Alphys and his flamboyant glam rock demeanor imply this, merely his sexuality is never confirmed either way.
- Androids Are People, Too: Everyone treats Mettaton as a normal being. Justified, as Bratty and Catty reveal that Mettaton has a soul simply similar any other monster. In fact, creating a robot with a soul is how Alphys came to become Imperial Scientist in the offset identify. Maybe subverted, as it is strongly implied (and potentially confirmed in his dialogue for the unused alarm clock app) that Mettaton is a ghost from the Blook family possessing a metal body.
- Anti-Climax Boss: Invoked with the fight against Mettaon NEO in the No Mercy route in lodge to demonstrate the futility of the sort of level grinding that gets you into that route - after intense build-upwards, including his ain unique theme song, he dies in one hit. He doesn't even accept an attack pattern.
- Anti-Villain: He is set up-up to be a Noble Anti-Villain first, as he never tries to stab yous with your back turned and you can't actually dice from any of his segments, earlier he is revealed to be a Well-Intentioned Anti-Villain that wants to kill you to cease a massive war, and to brand himself a celebrity on the surface. Also goes in manus with Villain In Proper noun Only for outset non beingness evil to brainstorm with, and that him desiring to impale humans is far from the truth.
- Arc Villain: He is this in the Hotlands section of the game, peculiarly when he takes his child gloves off and starts hiring other monsters before trying to kill yous himself.
- An Arm and a Leg: During his EX fight, Mettaton will somewhen lose his limbs. This happens sooner if the role player attacks his heart-shaped core. He gets meliorate later, as seen in his cameo during the Asgore fight intervention and the true credits.
- Arm Cannon: He gets a prominent 1 equally Mettaton NEO on the No Mercy run. Non that he always gets to use information technology.
- Artificial Intelligence: Mettaton was congenital by Alphys, though he does obviously have his own soul. This is because he really isn't a robot, but a ghost possessing a metallic body.
- Equally Himself: Though Mettaton appears in many In-Universe films and Television receiver shows, no character names or even personas are even brought up- he'southward e'er simply playing himself.
- Attention Whore: The number of shows he apparently runs and some potential NPC dialogue implies that he'due south nigh literally always performing, and at the end of the Hotland section of the game, he drives Alphys' plan Off the Rails and attempts to steal the player's soul partly to get a bigger audience than he already has by taking his career to the surface.
- Crawly, but Impractical: In-Universe, equally he clearly likes his Mettaton EX form very much, but due to the grade's "inefficient" power usage, he tin can't stay in the grade for very long until his bombardment ability conks out. He gets better by the end of the game after getting fixed by Alphys. Information technology'due south even so unknown if the power trouble got fixed or not. Exaggerated for Mettaton NEO, who looks intimidating but whose defense is then poor that he dies in a single hit. In that form he never acts even if you deliberately waste fourth dimension, so it's as well possible that Mettaton NEO was just a barefaced.
- Bad "Bad Interim": Somewhat invoked. For the most role, he seems enthusiastic and competent, but after the tile puzzle, he's clearly sick of the charade and of Alphys botching her lines, and he seems to just finish trying altogether.
Mettaton: (after getting shot by the protagonist) OOOH! OOOOOOOOH! Yous'VE DEFEATED ME!! HOW Can THIS Exist, YOU WERE STRONGER THAN I THOUGHT, ETC.
- Bad Boss: Zig-zagged. Burgerpants affirms that he's terrible to him at to the lowest degree, doing stuff like punishing him past forcing him to heed to an album of songs all about berating him and telling him how bad he is at his work if he doesn't perform to Mettaton's standards. and if he becomes male monarch of the Secret, everyone who doesn't similar him simply... disappears, with the implication that he's getting rid of any dissenters. Nonetheless, encounter Benevolent Boss below.
- Beauty Is Bad: Mettaton, despite looking like a calculator on a bike, is considered gorgeous by much of the hole-and-corner, and he is the adversary of Hotland. Makes a fleck more sense with his EX form. Eventually subverted, after his Character Development.
- Benevolent A.I.: Mettaton is an unusual example; he'south
extremely vain and conceited, simply at the aforementioned time, makes it clear that he cares near his employees and the other monsters (except Burgerpants, maybe). He's actually a subversion, as he'south a ghost possessing a robotic body.
- Benevolent Boss: Talking to a few of his other employees after killing him on a Neutral Run
reveals that he was a rather kind and well-liked dominate. Therefore, it seems he was simply a nasty boss to Burgerpants, and even then, he might take distorted the truth a little fleck.
- Beta Outfit: Mettaton's showtime calculator-like grade.
- Big Brother Instinct: He'southward very protective and supportive of Napstablook, his cousin. Them calling him during the Mettaton EX fight makes him lose the volition to fight you.
- Big Entrance: You hear large, pounding footsteps shaking everything in the room, and and then Mettaton breaks in through the wall and starts a game show!
- Big "YES!": Mettaton lets out several throughout the class of the game, along with a voiced one when he transforms into his EX form.
"Ohhhhhh yessssssssss!!"
- Bishōnen: His EX form. For a robot, he does expect rather handsome.
- Bishōnen Line: His two alternating forms are basically a pair of glam rock stars.
- The Caligula: He shows hints of this in some of the neutral endings where he becomes the ruler of the Underground. See Cult of Personality below.
- CAPS LOCK: His speech is written in all capital messages, to give it a robotic feel. Once he changes course, his text appears normally. He still uses all-caps in some sentences, implying his previous No Indoor Voice was mostly affected. Like the skeleton bros., it contrasts with Napstablook's all lowercase letters.
- Cat Smile: He pulls a few smug ones hither and there in his EX form.
- Chainsaw Good: He seems to enjoy them enough to feature them regularly in his cooking evidence.
- Chef of Iron: Literally. Actually, it's unclear how good his cooking skills actually are, but he already fabricated the block ahead of time, and he's a skilled combatant (with or without a chainsaw).
- Clipped-Wing Angel: In his normal, rectangular form, he's totally invulnerable to the player'south attacks. Non and then in his EX form, which tin can exist damaged easily and has terrible battery life to boot. His No Mercy run form gets this fifty-fifty worse, being his hardest-to-accomplish form and met with a lot of self-hype, when literally all it can exercise to you is potentially die throwing you out of the No Mercy run.
- Gainsay Sadomasochist: If y'all choose to fight him in a neutral run, every striking you country confronting him results in him saying "Yes!" and pulling an....interesting
◊ face. In one case you knock some of his limbs off, he stops doing this.
- Combat Stilettos: His humanoid forms have some killer heels. I of his early on attacks even attacks the player with them in the grade of legs with heels that start/stop moving when the player shoots them.
- Crapsaccharine World: How Papyrus describes the Hole-and-corner in endings where Mettaton becomes ruler. Meet Cult of Personality below.
- Cult of Personality: In some neutral endings. If Toriel and Undyne are both dead, he becomes ruler. Anyone who does not worship Mettaton "goes missing".
- Custom Built Host: Mettaton is a performing robot built past Alphys, simply is actually a ghost-like monster, implied to be a cousin to Napstablook and Mad Dummy, possessing a mechanical body Alphys built for them so they could live out their dreams of being a star to monster-kind.
- Cutting the Juice: During your final confrontation with him, Alphys calls to tell you most a switch on his dorsum that will make him vulnerable if flipped. It'southward a subversion: the switch isn't an off switch, only makes Mettaton switch forms. The vulnerability is that the switch-activated course has much lower defenses than the initial one. Played direct in his peaceful defeat, where his EX course drains his batteries much faster and puts him out of activity, although he's already fabricated peace with the man before shutting down.
- Dance Battler: He's constantly dancing and posing as Mettaton EX, and he oftentimes uses his legs (and a disco ball) to assault.
- Deadpan Snarker: To a truly hilarious caste. He'll never allow an opportunity to snark at Alphys' or the Protagonist'south expense laissez passer past him.
- Annunciation of Protection: Despite his cocky-absorbed nature, he cares a lot well-nigh his cousin, Napstablook, and his friend, Alphys. Information technology is more than explicit in the No Mercy run, where he states in that location are people he needs to protect.
- Didn't Demand Those Anyway!: Unless the player manages to defeat him very quickly, his EX form volition lose its arms and legs during the battle.
- Disney Death: Pacifist route only. Raising his ratings to a certain threshold will result in his battery condign completely drained, temporary 'killing' him on the spot. Justified, since you didn't outright destroy his body, and since he's fused with information technology now, attacking him will actually impale him for real. Afterwards his peaceful defeat, his inactive trunk is on Alphys' worktable undergoing repairs, which are completed in the True Pacifist Ending.
- Does This Remind You lot of Anything?: His efforts to become corporeal are highly reminiscent of transitioning. He fifty-fifty goes through a pronoun change — Undyne, his former neighbour, only calls him "they" when you phone call her from his business firm, Napstablook'due south house, or the farm, implying that "they," "them" and "their" were the pronouns he used before he was able to transition into a robotic body. In all forms of his robot body, all the same, he goes but by "he," "him," and "his." Since Mettaton disappeared without a trace and didn't keep in affect, at that place would exist no fashion for Undyne to know about the pronoun change. Another possibility is that ghosts, being incorporeal, go past "they", "them", and "their" by default, since all ghosts in the game are referred to this way, and just begin to identify with a specific gender one time they've inhabited a torso.
- Early-Bird Cameo: Papyrus' randomly generated maze puzzle machine is Mettaton; this is more noticeable on a second playthrough or if you go back to see that information technology's gone. This also changes the context of it "messing up"; it wasn't a technical error or a cosmic bout of bad luck, it was Mettaton screwing with Papyrus.
- Eating Automobile: Has a cooking bear witness, fifty-fifty. Justified, he'southward actually a ghost.
- Even the Guys Want Him: Oh, yep. note OHHHHHHH YEEEEEEEEES! Papyrus calls him his "favorite sexy rectangle," and remarks that he wishes he lived in Hotland so that he could meet him. This is later Papyrus mentions about three times before how glad he is he doesn't live there...
- Evil Counterpart: Mettaton represents what Papyrus would exist if he became a serious threat similar to Flowey and Mad Dummy earlier him, if his quest for glory implied betraying the people who dear him and if his narcissism overshadowed his qualities. Both are campy, hammy and narcissistic characters who accept dreams of celebrity, challenge yous with mortiferous puzzles, are the emotional support of a more introverted grapheme note Sans for Papyrus and Alphys for Mettaton. and are more dangerous than they appear:
- While Papyrus' puzzles are far from unsafe, Mettaton'south ones are more than deadly.
- While you have to cross the peaceful Snowdin Town earlier reaching Papyrus, Mettaton traps you into the trapped-filled Core where you lot have to fight countless mercenaries.
- While the former puts his glory quest aside to befriend the Human Kid, the latter wants to take their soul to exit the clandestine alone, ruining decades of endeavour and patience for his own benefit.
- While Papyrus can be spared no thing the path you choose, Mettaton is the simply monster who requires to exist hit to win, even in a Pacifist run.
- While you can befriend Papyrus no matter the path you choose and being in good terms with him matters to reach the best catastrophe, it's impossible to collaborate with Mettaton between the finish of his arc and the Truthful Pacifist ending.
- Evil Gloating: Seems to bask doing this quite a flake.
- Exact Words: Because you lot defuse all 6 of his lesser bombs, the Big Bomb volition not go off in 2 minutes. It will go off in 2 seconds. Too bad Alphys already hacked it. As well bad it was not an actual flop.
- Face up Death with Dignity: If y'all kill him on a Neutral path, he'll Go Out with a Grin, coolly (and dishonestly) saying Alphys tin set up him and wishing the actor luck, thanking them for giving him the gamble to "perform" for them. Even when you ane-shot him in a No Mercy run, he'll get out with a smirk and a dry one-liner (or mocking you, if you flubbed the requirements for a No Mercy run at the very final betoken where it'southward possible to do then). On the Pacifist path, he acknowledges that his EX form has a Fatal Flaw in its poor bombardment life (non that the batteries can't be replaced until Alphys fixes the problem off-screen afterward). He postpones his debut in the human globe to remain a cultural icon in the underworld, thank you everyone for tuning in, and lets his battery life finally run out.
- Fantastic Arousal: Flipping Mettaton's switch elicits a satisfied-sounding "Oh, yes", implying that doing so turned him on.
- Foregone Victory: You cannot really lose during his quiz; his penalty attack always inflicts half of your HP rounded down in impairment and thus cannot really kill you. You too cannot die to any of his subsequent challenges along the way to the MTT Resort; if you fail, either he does something that spares you at the last second (such every bit abruptly going to a commercial intermission) or Alphys steps in to save y'all. As it turns out, this is all because Alphys and Mettaton rigged the unabridged journey then that she can come up off every bit a hero. Mettaton'due south EX class averts this trope, as past then he'south gone against Alphys' plans and is trying to kill you for existent. Played straight again with Mettaton NEO, equally he non only goes downwards in a single attack, but also doesn't even bother to attack yous.
- Foreshadowing:
- During Papyrus' fight, he uses various MTT-brand beauty products.
- If you turn on the Television in Papyrus' business firm, one of Mettaton's leitmotifs will play. Papyrus also has activity figures shaped like "sexy robots."
- If you date Undyne before Mettaton is officially introduced, she'll comment that one of Alphys' friends came over, and proceeded to exercise nothing but lie seductively on the piano and feed himself grapes.
- Mettaton'due south own beliefs during his prove foreshadows that the show you lot're participating in is just a setup to brand Alphys look good. For case, a man SOUL is obviously much as well precious to be made into a cake, being necessary to escape the Underground. Mettaton also seems strangely apathetic about defeat.
- 4-Fingered Easily: With White Gloves.
Word of God says he'due south confused over how many fingers humans usually accept because all of his knowledge comes from media, including western cartoons. He really has several gloves with dissimilar numbers of fingers.
- From Nobody to Nightmare: In the King Mettaton ending. He starts off equally a nameless snail farmer/wannabe star, has go the Underground's biggest celebrity by the time of the game, and player-created circumstances lead to him condign a tyrannical king.
- Drinking glass Cannon: Mettaton Neo: xc ATK. 9 DEF. He dies in 1 hit; if yous failed the No Mercy requirements at the end of his battle, he even lampshades it as he dies by maxim that Alphys should maybe have worked a bit more on his defenses. Subverted, as he doesn't fifty-fifty attack you, thus rendering his stats irrelevant.
- Glory Hound: A very sympathetic version. Since he all the same gets a soul by killing you lot, he knows that he'll be able to get through the barrier and become fame in the human being globe as a hero. He does honestly want to assistance both species, and past helping his ratings, you get him to realize you're a worthy hero to finish the state of war yourself and people already appreciate him, and then he allows you to continue in peace.
- Gold Catastrophe: The quickest manner to finish the battle is by getting the ratings over 12,500 earlier Mettaton's limbs autumn off. This tin be done by changing in and out of armors, eating Mettaton-branded food, and throwing him the Stick. note Throwing the Stick requires information technology to be in the inventory, non equipped. Though even though his limbs don't autumn off, he all the same appears as just a head and trunk in the Overworld.
- Proficient All Along: Although he acted equally if he wanted to kill all humans at Alphys' request, he actually wants to salvage humanity... which means he has to kill you and then Asgore won't get your soul.
- Become Out with a Smile: No affair what the player does, the last they meet of Mettaton is a smile including if they impale him.
- Graceful Loser: In the neutral and pacifist routes, he takes his defeat remarkably well. In the pacifist route, he even has a scrap of a Then Proud of You moment.
- Gratuitous English: His "OHHH YESS!" is ever written in English in the Japanese translation of the game. Additionally, quite a chip of what he says is written in katakana annotation mainly used for words imported from other languages, which carries the same meaning.
- Harmless Villain: During encounters with Mettaton, no matter how much yous fail at his tasks (respond every quiz question wrong, stand still during the flop defusing segment, etc.), it'south impossible to lose to him, and he announces his defeat and goes on his way. This is a hint that it's all a charade planned by Alphys, and Mettaton'southward not supposed to harm you. One time he admits the truth to you, he isn't so harmless.
- Hartman Hips: In his EX form. Information technology's a piffling difficult to come across due to his starting pose continuing with his legs far apart and his later poses moving rapidly, but his hips are quite broad.
- Haunted Technology: Entering the house adjacent to Napstablook'south reveals his backstory. He's a ghost — Napstablook'south cousin, to be precise — who had dreams of making it big in show biz, and was given a robotic vanquish past Alphys.
- Having a Boom: He loves using bombs against yous, both in the newscaster segment and in battle.
- Centre Drive: His centre-shaped core.
- The Hedonist: From what we learn almost him as a person, he takes full advantage of the level of lux and self-indulgence his role as a high-contour performer living the dream affords him.
Undyne: I don't really similar that guy. ...But I adore his lifestyle!
- Heroic Cede: In the No Mercy run, it's implied that part of his existent reason for fighting you, fifty-fifty though he knows he can't win, is to permit Alphys and other monsters to escape.
- He'due south Got Legs: Lampshaded in his EX grade. Praising Mettaton's legs during the essay portion of his boss fight nets you a ratings bonus. And in the ending when he forms a band with Napstablook and Shyren, his legs are noticeably the only part of his body not covered up past the metal box he wears.
"Who needs arms when yous've got legs like these?"
- Hidden Depths: Underneath Mettaton'southward massive ego, biting sarcasm, and extreme self-centered nature, there's a genuinely smart entertainer who really does love his fans with all his centre. (...SOUL?) Plenty that he chooses to give up going to the surface then he tin stay in the Underground with them. There'south likewise a modest moment in the Truthful Pacifist epilogue that speaks volumes most what kind of guy Mettaton is. The lion-like monster that said Mettaton's wearing a wearing apparel made him feel similar maybe he could wear one, too, now has a dress on... specifically, the very one Mettaton was wearing. Turns out, Mettaton gave it to him! He's besides a pretty good boss, according to anybody at the MTT Resort (besides Burgerpants), and actually does care about Alphys and Napstablook.
- Hired Guns: He paid practically every monster in Hotland to take the human down.
- Hour of Power: His EX form has inefficient battery consumption, meaning he'll eventually run out of power (and lose his limbs) if the fight drags on.
- Hypocritical Humor:
- If y'all swear during your essay response, he responds...
"Oh my! This is supposed to be a family unit-friendly show. Now stand still while I murder you!"
- And if yous reply Toby instead:
"What the hell is that? Sounds... sexy."
- He'll too telephone call the thespian character "conceited" if they merits Alphys has a crush on them.
- If y'all swear during your essay response, he responds...
- Impossibly Graceful Giant: He's not exactly gigantic, but he'southward incredibly agile and graceful for a metallic robot.
- In Affect with His Feminine Side: He has no problem whatsoever with wearing pinkish and high-heels, or crossdressing for the musical segment. He'southward also delighted that his EX course is a Bishōnen. Makes sense, given his similarities to Glam Rock singers. His sleeping accommodation is too entirely a lurid shade of pink, covered in stars and posters, and contains a diary collection.
- Incoming Ham: Every time he makes an entrance.
- Interface Spiral: A rare example of this being used to help the player. He's fought using the yellowish SOUL Fashion, which allows you lot to shoot downwardly his incoming projectiles earlier they hitting you lot. Almost of his attacks would be unavoidable without it.
- Intrigued by Humanity: He started a man fan club before he became Mettaton. He'due south shown to take an infatuation with humanity, equally about of his amusement is based on shows humans love and his EX course is the about humanoid being in the Underground. He merely wants to kill the Kid to prevent a war between humans and monsters.
- Information technology'south All About Me: He'southward ridiculously egotistical and self-indulgent. If he becomes king, he makes the Hush-hush into an Egopolis.
- Jerk with a Center of Gold: An arrogant, smugly antagonistic attention hound he may be, but he cares quite a bit most his cousin Napstablook, is expert enough friends with Alphys to have initially agreed to his Killer Robot role in a scheme for her sake, and seems to genuinely appreciate how much his fans value him. As well, in the No Mercy route, he confronts you lot even though he knows he can't win, and implies that part of his real reason for fighting you is to protect Alphys.
- Jobber: You run into him several times, but in nigh all cases he instantly folds when you disrupt his plans.
- Killer Robot: Every bit called out past his cooking show, "Cooking With A Killer Robot". It'southward all an act. It actually turns into an outright inversion, since his goal later on dropping the human action is actually to have the human'southward soul in society to foreclose the barrier from being broken and salve the rest of humanity (and become a star on the surface).
- Large Ham: Easily outperforms Papyrus and Undyne in this section. Then once more, he is an entertainment robot...
- Last of His Kind: In a sense, after his fans become really upset over his decision to leave, he then realises that humans already have stars and idols, while he's all the monsters have to look up to as a celebrity.
- Leitmotif:
- Mettaton has no less than iii leitmotifs. "It'southward Offset" (which can be heard long before you actually meet him) is his Goggle box host theme, used for his intro cutscene, while the bassline can be heard during his cooking bear witness. "Metal Crusher" is his killer robot theme, used in his battles and a short remix occurs earlier his final boxing. "Oh! One Truthful Love" is his music-hall theme which reappears as "For the Fans" when you spare him.
- "Expiry by Glamour," his boss fight theme, draws from both of them. The opening and endings parts are heard in the opening of Cadre, the "chorus" can be establish in the "chorus" of his previous theme Metal Crusher, and the bridge tin be heard in It'due south Showtime!, Live Report, and Death Report.
- While he has "Power of 'NEO'" for his NEO form, it'due south really just a remix of "Battle Against a Truthful Hero".
- Lightning Bruiser: Bordering into Confusion Fu territory. Mettaton'south battle style is unusual and based on being varied, fast, and flashy to entertain viewers kickoff and foremost. Trying to both entertain and battle, he'southward a competent fighter.
- Logical Weakness: Mettaton is originally a ghost monster, given a physical form past Alphys. As a ghost, he was incorporeal and thus allowed to near all attacks. All the same, equally Mettaton, he's every bit prone to death as any other corporeal monster.
- Mad Bomber: In his 'Newscaster' scenario, he traps you in an surface area full of bombs disguised as several seemingly innocuous things, like a glass of water and a domestic dog. In his EX form, many of his attacks involve bombs as well.
- Mean Dominate: When it comes to Burgerpants in any case, not so much towards his other employees. He made a whole album purely dedicated to telling Burgerpants how bad at his job he is.
- Meaningful Proper noun: His proper noun may exist a reference to Metatron, an angel whose proper name abbreviates to MTT and who was a human before being transformed into an archangel. Mettaton also ascended from humble origins to become something greater than his original grade.
- Mirror Boss: Notable for being the merely boss that has a SOUL nowadays during the fight itself. In a reversing of roles, you can attack it just similar how bosses assault your SOUL.
- Morality Chain: It'due south implied that Alphys is one of these to him, as shown in 1 of the Neutral endings. In particular, the Neutral ending where he becomes tyrant ruler of the Hole-and-corner has him mention that he wanted Alphys to assist him dominion, merely to discover that she went missing. It'due south heavily unsaid that, had Alphys not disappeared and possibly committed suicide, Mettaton would accept become a much better leader due to her advice.
- Mr. Fanservice: Mettaton EX certainly doesn't play downwards this sort of appeal. Ironically, his default rectangular form is considered this in-universe, being, in his own words, "more than photogenic," and Burgerpants admits to purchasing (non-working) "kits" to make himself more rectangular.
- Multiple-Choice Past: Depending on what route you took. In a Neutral/Pacifist run, he was made equally the amusement-blazon rectangular robot and upgraded to his EX form later on. In a No Mercy run, he was created as an anti-human robot starting time, then given his rectangular form subsequently when he was re-purposed equally an entertainment robot. Of course, his speech in his No Mercy encounter could be baloney. He takes a noticeable pause when he describes his rectangular class as "more photogenic" and despite having a fierce and imposing-looking appearance, doesn't assault you at all. Also, why would his sometime form be called 'NEO' (new)?
- Musical Spoiler: Mettaton NEO's boxing is hyped upwardly to all hell, receiving a pimped-out new form and crazy stats to deal with y'all. That is, earlier you lot one-shot him. But the fact that his theme, "Power of NEO", is only a thirty-second loop should tip some off that it's going to cease quickly.
- My God, What Have I Done?: If yous Spare him, he receives a telephone call from Napstablook and conspicuously feels guilty about leaving them behind. It happens again in the neutral ending variant where he becomes king of the Clandestine; with Alphys "missing," he expresses regret over how he treated her.
- Nearly-Invulnerability: His rectangular form is described to exist impervious to assault by the Bank check selection, and the only manner to defeat him is to pic his switch and so he becomes Mettaton EX, which has low defence force and a limited power supply. Despite this, he appears to be fazed when you attack him in the dungeon segment, which is actually foreshadowing that he was merely playing along the entire time, as he is allowed to your later attacks before yous flip his switch.
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: In his EX form, he has a hit resemblance to Ziggy Stardust and Michael Jackson, and one could fifty-fifty contend he looks a piffling bit like Prince, especially during the Purple Rain era. Squint, and you lot might also be able to see Trent Reznor in the 90'south.
- No Proper noun Given: Mettaton is a proper noun adopted by him afterwards becoming a robot. His original proper name is unknown, although Papyrus calls him "Happstablook, the happy ghost".
- No, You: If you lot throw out an insult or cuss-give-and-take during the essay portion of his terminal boxing, he throws it back in your face with "This essay is supposed to be describing me, not you."
- Non-Lethal K.O.: When fighting his EX course, y'all can either kill him with the FIGHT command... or you tin raise your ratings to a certain threshold, at which point he'll determine to stop fighting and, at the aforementioned time, run out of battery ability and shut down.
- Older Than They Look: His bishounen grade looks like he's in his early twenties. However, Napstablook indirectly confirms that the snail farm existed before 'their best customer' Toriel left. If Sans' implication that she has been gone a hundred years is correct, the ghost cousins are over a century old.
- Oh, Crap!: Has a mild version of this when his limbs blow off during your fight. He tries to play it off equally a Major Injury Underreaction, but his stuttering gives him away.
- Ane-Wheeled Wonder: In his usual appearance, where he balances his rectangular trunk atop a single comically tiny wheel.
- OOC Is Serious Business: Mettaton during your last fight against him. He starts equally his usual self shamelessly proclaiming himself the brightest star of undercover and soon-to-be of the surface. As the boxing drags on he'll start to lose his composure and outright call the player out for their "weakness". As well in the ending where he rules the Underground, he becomes somber and saddened over Alphys' disappearance and wishes he had a chance to care for her better.
- Opportunistic Bastard: When Alphys asks him to play the heel against the human, he plays along then he can derail the program later. In the catastrophe where he becomes ruler, he starts by unironically thanking you for your "hard work" (i.east. killing Toriel and Undyne), as this paved the mode for him to seize power.
- Peek-a-Bangs: Mettaton EX has his right eye covered with pilus, which
Dummied Out sprites
reveal is because the right part of his face is unfinished. Mettaton NEO, keeping with the subtle theme of left optics being shown in serious situations, has obscured his correct centre.
- Percent Damage Set on: The penalisation laser he uses during his quiz halves your HP and as a effect cannot really kill you.
- The Perfectionist: An unusual Sanguine case. He pushes everyone who works for him to accomplish his loftier standards, and refuses to accept anything he doesn't deem to be as good equally 'how they practise information technology on the Surface'.
- Pet the Dog: He really cares most his cousin, Napstablook and his old friend Shyren, enough to get into showbiz with both of them in the Pacifist ending. If you spare him but impale Undyne and Toriel, he becomes king and has a statue built in Alphys' honor, admitting that he was cruel to her.
- Pinocchio Syndrome: Hinted. He is then fond of humans he founded a fan club celebrating them, and the torso he asks Alphys to build for him is the most humanoid thing you see underground, existence basically a metallic Bishounen. It even has its own visible SOUL.
- Plot-Irrelevant Villain: Mainly from a meta perspective. In the Pacifist run he's the odd one out of the primary characters; while the other major bosses are meant to present serious questions well-nigh the player's morality, with Mettaton what y'all encounter is what you get — a silly, if securely layered, drama queen who works more than every bit an extension of Alphys'south grapheme for the plot. Averted, all the same, in the Genocide run; see Threshold Guardian below for why.
- Bespeak of No Return: Downplayed for the Genocide route. One time you fight him in his NEO course, y'all're either locked into the route (if you do impale all the enemies), or abased information technology completely (if you don't). Nevertheless, up until you meet the Fallen Child, you can quit and reset the game at any time with no consequences. Which makes sense, since Sans is trying to ensure that y'all practise.
- Pointy-Haired Boss:
- In addition to his celebrity life, he'south also the owner/dominate of the MTT Resort located between Hotland and The Core. And he is terrible at managing the identify. Fifty-fifty disregarding Burgerpants' complaints well-nigh him, he has put many bad ideas into use, including: Adding a statue of himself to the fountain that shoots a stream of water onto the lobby floor, non providing room keys for the hotel rooms so patrons have to pay full toll merely to get back inside, hiring a janitor that constantly drips slime from his chin (resulting in him continually cleaning up the same spot), and the resort's eatery making patrons have to reserve not but their meal time in advance, merely also all their nutrient, tables, tableware, h2o, etc.
Burgerpants: ...And every fourth dimension we try to change something for the amend, he vetoes it and says "that'south not how they do it on the surface." Oh! Right! Humans are always eating hamburgers fabricated of sequins and glue.
- Mettaton is terrible at ruling the Underground in his version of the neutral catastrophe, completely neglecting the economy and the educational system as well as no longer even trying to reach the surface.
- In addition to his celebrity life, he'south also the owner/dominate of the MTT Resort located between Hotland and The Core. And he is terrible at managing the identify. Fifty-fifty disregarding Burgerpants' complaints well-nigh him, he has put many bad ideas into use, including: Adding a statue of himself to the fountain that shoots a stream of water onto the lobby floor, non providing room keys for the hotel rooms so patrons have to pay full toll merely to get back inside, hiring a janitor that constantly drips slime from his chin (resulting in him continually cleaning up the same spot), and the resort's eatery making patrons have to reserve not but their meal time in advance, merely also all their nutrient, tables, tableware, h2o, etc.
- Pre-Final Boss: He'due south the concluding boss you confront before Asgore on the Neutral route and Sans on No Mercy, albeit the latter isn't much of a "fight".
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: If yous become the Mystery Key, yous can discover he used to be the Carmine to Napstablook'southward Blue.
- The Stone Star: While he's primarily an thespian in his various shows first and foremost, Mettaton has the personality of one: being loud, arrogant, and flamboyant while also showing that he's capable of singing. Then his EX form shows he has the look of a rock star likewise, of the David Bowie diversity.
- Shameless Self-Promoter: The reviews in MTT Resort are clearly biased in Mettaton's favor. Parodied in that these reviews are written by Mettaton himself.
- Shaped Similar Itself: The game occasionally gives scent-based information in the status window, such as maxim that Papyrus "Smells like bones." All the game can muster for Mettaton is "Smells like Mettaton."
- Shipper on Deck: Near the end of the Pacifist run, he says that Alphys and Undyne should merely buss each other already. Undyne is insulted, simply Alphys thinks this is a good idea.
"Oh my god! Will you lot two simply smooch already!? The audience is dying for some romantic action!"
- Shock and Awe: Mettaton zaps you with electricity if you lot get a question on his quiz incorrect. Mettaton EX's heart shoots lighting when it attacks straight.
- Sissy Villain: Even every bit a box-on-wheels, he'due south very flamboyant, calls the protagonist things similar "sweetheart", and shows that he has no problem crossdressing for a role if the musical scene is whatever indication. His EX grade is also an fifty-fifty more flamboyant rock star alike to Michael Jackson or David Bowie, and once the role player gets into his old house, they find the whole place covered in pink. The typical "Sissy Villain/Manly Hero" dynamic, however, is absent, since the protagonist is a small kid of Ambiguous Gender.
- Sitting Sexy on a Piano: Visited Undyne's house only to sit on the pianoforte and eat grapes.
- And then Proud of You: If you defeat him on the Pacifist road, he seems to exist feeling this towards the kid, saying that they've more than proven themselves to be potent enough to defeat Asgore and protect humanity. He has absolutely no malice or hard feelings about his defeat when he says this.
- Sophisticated as Hell: He's usually well- (if super-dramatically-)spoken. He likewise has a scene in which he puts on a clothes and sings you a soft little song under a shower of rose petals that includes the lyrics "It'll suck, then you'll dice a lot", and reacts to the player typing "Toby" in part of his final boss battle with "What the hell is that?"
- Spanner in the Works: Mettaton was going to proceed with playing the bad guy then that Alphys could save you and be the hero. Once y'all are too shut to Asgore, still, he drops the charade, tells yous what Alphys did, and plans to reap your soul.
- Stone Wall: In his normal form, Mettaton is practically indestructible, just his attacks (except his zaps) aren't very powerful. His EX form, on the other hand, has much more than balanced stats (at to the lowest degree since the 1.001 update).
- Suddenly Voiced: Lets out an "Ohhhh yesssssss!!" when you flip the switch that triggers his EX form.
- Tactical Suicide Dominate: In his EX form, Mettaton has a weak point in the shape of a heart non unlike a human SOUL... which he'll reveal in order to brand puns and set on with it, allowing your xanthous SOUL to shoot it. Annotation that this doesn't actually kill him (that tin can simply exist done by physically attacking); its just purpose is to knock off his limbs and lower his desired ratings count.
- In that location Was a Door: How he makes his entrance at Alphys' lab, with unexpected grandeur. Checking the hole he made in the wall reveals the infinite inside information technology is actually quite modest, implying he was camping out inside Alphys' wall the entire time she was talking to you beforehand.
- Threshold Guardian: Mettaton is an unusual variant of this trope, as yous fight him very belatedly in the game, but he isn't a threshold guardian to a heroic adventure — he's a threshold guardian to the No Mercy run (just short of an outright Reset). If the histrion is having 2nd thoughts about killing everyone in the game, Mettaton's NEO form is the thespian's concluding chance to back out without doing the aforementioned Reset notation The actual terminal chance to back out and avoid the corruption entirely is just earlier Flowey begs y'all not to impale him. — if the player fails to kills enough Hotland encounter monsters (effectually twoscore) before fighting him, Mettaton decides you lot're not irredeemable and sets you on Neutral instead.
- Tin-Tin Robot: His typical appearance. Becomes a Ridiculously Human Robot when he transforms into Mettaton EX.
- Took a Level in Jerkass: Mettaton was once a shy ghost who had dreams of becoming a big star, only promised his cousin Napstablook that he would never get out them. Later on coming together Alphys, who eventually built him a robotic vessel to inhabit, he decided to go back on his give-and-take and left the snail farm to go famous using is new torso. It only got worse from at that place as the more popular Mettaton got, the more rude and egotistic he became, culminating in him trying to murder Frisk and take their soul in order to go famous in the human world. He gets better in the Aureate Ending, fortunately, every bit he reconciles with Napstablook and Alphys.
- Tranquil Fury: As the player knocks his limbs off during his final boss fight, his usual cheery, lively playing-to-the-crowd manner steels over and his attacks become more aggressive and direct to the point that in the fourth dimension it takes to fully meet his SPARE requirement, you can accept him wordlessly, motionlessly spamming lightning at you with a fixed, clearly effortful smirk.
- Trap Master: Far more than Papyrus and his puzzles. Even so, Alphys is able to disable near of them. Of course, it's all part of her little prove, and none of the traps put yous in any real danger until he decides to stop playing forth.
- Troll: Has his moments of this. Especially when you learn he isn't an AI. His question about who Alphys has a trounce on and "Would you smooch a ghost?" are notable examples, every bit is his Early-Bird Cameo as the control panel in the randomly generated puzzle in Snowdin; it wasn't a malfunction, he was screwing with Papyrus for reasons merely he probably knows.
- The Usurper: In the Neutral Catastrophe where he becomes ruler, Sans states he "just kind of... took over?". Past contrast, the other characters who become ruler in the Neutral endings either inherit legitimately (Toriel, Undyne) or are elected by popular support (Papyrus, Annoying Domestic dog, Alphys).
- Unexpected Shmup Level: Or rather, Unexpected Shmup Boss. The xanthous SOUL feature you become from Alphys gets used more extensively in the fight against Mettaton EX, where y'all accept to shoot his bombs, legs, and soul to fight back — the only time in the game where yous accept any sort of directly offensive adequacy on the bullet board.
- Unrobotic Reveal: If you detect the door that the Mystery Key opens, it's revealed that he's actually Napstablook's cousin, given a physical grade by Alphys so he could make it large in evidence business.
- Vocal Dissonance: Afterwards becoming Mettaton EX, he speaks in a deep voice that doesn't quite friction match his flamboyant looks. Aside from that, he as well keeps the same Voice Grunting. This trope is so subverted by his higher-pitched vocalization when he says "yeah" if he is hit.
"Ohhh yess!"
- Vocalisation Grunting: Stereotypical robot beeping.
- Viewers Are Geniuses: In-Universe: Considering Mettaton's infamous train question...
- Walking Spoiler: When the player first meets him, he is a stereotypical (if snarky and amiable) killer robot hellbent on their destruction. Truth is, it was all an act to make Alphys look better. He is actually a ghost inhabiting a car that wants to have your soul and get a star on the surface. By extension, his EX form too leads to this.
- Nosotros Tin Rebuild Him: Alphys claims equally much after his boss fight, whether he was destroyed or non. Information technology'south supposed to be unsaid that, due to actually being a ghost inhabiting a robot, killing Mettaton EX means he's gone for expert (to the point where it tin can be a deciding cistron in Alphys' implied fate) — at least if, similar the Mad Dummy on the No Mercy route, he's grown sufficiently attached to his body.
- Weird Trade Matrimony: He plain abides by one, since he provides the Human with a genuine "union-mandated" break during battle as Mettaton EX.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: The real reason he wants to kill the player is to deny Asgore their SOUL, preventing the war between monsters and humans from resuming. Using the SOUL to pass the bulwark and to make it big in the human being globe is merely a bonus.
- Wholesome Crossdresser: He wears a blue ballgown for the musical, and his EX form wears high-heels, and is, of grade, dressed head-to-toe in pink. If you backtrack and talk to a king of beasts-similar monster later on the musical chip, the panthera leo comments that Mettaton looked really cool in his clothes, and it "sort of makes [him] feel like [he] could wear one, too!" Awwwww. In the True Pacifist epilogue, if yous talk to the lion once more, you find out he decided to go for information technology — and, in fact, Mettaton gave him the very same clothes he wore!
- Earth of Snark: His Tv shows seem to exist this, if what the Human Child goes through is any indication.
- Worthy Opponent: He frequently comments on how brilliant Dr. Alphys is whenever she helps you defeat him. Subverted, every bit they're not really enemies. In fact, they're close plenty friends for Mettaton to concord to play an evil killer robot and so she could exist the hero.
- Zero-Try Boss: Justified: Mettaton NEO is the nigh standout example on the Genocide Run. Non only does he get down in one hit, he never attacks. That'southward because he's not in that location to FIGHT yous, but to STALL you lot to buy the evacuation more time. It's even in his boxing opinion.
Source: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Characters/UndertaleMettaton
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