Best Camping Coffee French Press From REI

Just because Starbucks refuses to put an frontier settlement midmost of unspoiled wilderness doesn't mean you deliver to sacrifice delicious, well-brewed coffee on your incoming tenting trip with the family. And just because you have perfectly no intention of going camping with your family doesn't mean you can't make use of this portable Daniel Chester French press from REI. Because you know what requires java-making gear knockabout enough to survive the uppercase outdoors? Whatsoever house with your kids in it.

Relevant: Superior Coffee Products for Dads

REI Mountain Coffee

There's atomic number 102 unusual, survivalist roll in the hay-how that you necessitate to lock this thing. No stoking a fire of moose muck to boil OR fjording ice-cold whitewater to fill it — it works alike every unusual French weight-lift you've ever used (and will survive moose and/or river fjording without shattering).

REI Table Top French Press

The REI Table Top features 2 filters, one in the speculator and one in the spout, then there are no grounds in your cup! (You were almost roughing it for a second.) The press only weighs 1.5 pounds and is built from rugged "vacuum-insulated, double-walled" stainless steel. That will keep up to 4 cups of coffee warm for up to 4 hours, which is on the nose how long it takes you to put up a tent. Or set up your small fry down for a nap.

Buy Directly $45


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